Don't get too used to it though, this is beta! The next build will feature three significant changes to racials.
"The Fall of Humanity": removed (人性堕落移除)
We'll be trying out a new Human racial in its place... (替换成一个新天赋)
"Every Man for Himself": Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character. This effect shares a cooldown with other similar effects. (自私自利:移除各种移动限制效果和任何使人物失去控制的效果,与其他类似效果共cd)
Q u o t e:
On the cooldown bit, so this'll share a CD with our PvP trinkets? If so, do humans no longer really need to worry about the PvP trinket (for its effect, anyways, there's still the resilience)?
Kalgan :
Correct, as it states it shares a cooldown with other similar effects (the pvp trinket). So, you essentially gain flexibility regarding what to do with that slot. (与PVP徽章共cd,2mincd,相当于人类多一个额外饰品栏。)