原帖地址: ... ts/pg/49/aid/134187
A couple of days ago, the PSP homebrew community was in shock as we found news about the forum closing down. What could be the meaning of this? Does this mean there's no more homebrew slices of heaven from Dark AleX himself? Not exactly.
The good news is that Alek has clarified the current situation they are in. Posting at the PSP Wiki News, we finally see the light, and thankfully, it's not totally goodbye after all.
Said the post:
This really isn't "Wiki News" but seeing as there is a traffic increase with the wiki, I figured it will fit here: The forums are closed down due to expenses. Dark-Alex isn't leaving the scene or forgetting about us. So please don't have the "mental image" that he's ditched us for good. The forums are only down, the rest of the network isn't. If you have any issues, feel free to contact the staff throughout the network.
几天前,当我们得知 论坛关闭的消息,整个自制软件界都震惊了。这个消息意味着什么呢?是否意味着从今往后,自制软件的“天堂”中,再也不会有Dark AleX 的伟大作品呢?事实并非如此。
有一个好消息是 论坛的管理员Alek已经发帖解释了他们目前的真实情况。从PSP Wiki 的网站新闻里,我们得到了一个轻松的消息,感谢上帝,Dark-Alex并没有和大家说再见。
在PSP Wiki 的新闻里,Alek是这么说的:
这真的不能算是一个Wiki 网站的新闻,但是随着Wiki网站这两天流量突然增加,我觉得在这里做一个申明比较合适:DA论坛的关闭是出于成本开销的考虑。Dark-Alex并没有打算要离开自制软件界或是彻底把大家给遗忘。所以我希望各位不要有那种“DA已经抛弃了我们”的想法。仅仅是论坛关闭了而已,“Dark-Alex网络”的其他部分照常运行。如果你有什么问题,不用感到拘束,欢迎通过网络联系我们。