OrehMan: Well, you just confirmed it: if the player plays well he gets to play on the bottom of the team, and if he’s a noob he gets thrown on the top!
OrehMan: 你告诉我:是不是玩家玩的好 - 他就会被丢到队伍垫底的地方去;如果他是个彩笔 - 他就会被丢到队伍上面去!
Inimigo (developer): “It doesn’t depend on general winrate, but on actual win series, player is less lucky he gets put on the top of the team more often. If you pwn on top of the team without problems try a more difficult task” (SS: in the sense that “we’ll make it more difficult for you”).
Inimigo (官方人员):"这不取决于总胜率,但是实际上关于连续战斗的胜率,运气差的玩家玩家 - 他会被更容易分到队伍上层。如果你能轻松干掉队伍中的高级车 - 那就试试更难的。"(SS:也就是说,“我们会让你更难连胜”)
That certainly explains a lot. I am a bit skeptical about the answer (“lesser” developers have been known to not understand the inner MM workings), but still.