标题: RPG Fanfiction of GW/ Six Killers' Stories /Finale

UID 24876
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发表于 2014-7-16 22:27  资料  短消息  加为好友  QQ
RPG Fanfiction of GW/ Six Killers' Stories /Finale

Six Killers' Stories


Act 0 The Gentlemen's Night

By Relena Yuy

It is a party night.

Everyone is having fun inside the building.

But Around the Conner, the hunter is preying.

The target is aimed and shot in a second, right after the lights are turned off.

The killer flees in the darkness, where there is a street in the middle of the rows of houses.

And He is walking alone like a wolf in the shadow.

Although his face makes him look more like a schoolboy, his living is earned by assasinating politicians.

Just like you have assumed, he is an independent professional killer.

Working for the people who offer rewards, he accepts or rejects the target for some reason.

It always depends on whether the person is worth killing.

Although we have no idea about what he is from, we know where he is heading for.

It is called the hunters' club and is established by the people of his own kind.

Almost every killer of the district has registered and shared information in that house.

And the leaders of the headquarter runs the association of the killers, who are also the owners of the place.

As the killer is On the way half, it begins to rain heavily.

So he has to look for a shelter.

The rain makes him wet, though he finds the shelter quickly.

It is quiet around, but Suddenly, he realizes that someone nearby is watching him.

The mysterious watcher seems to be curious about the killer.

But he shows no interest in revealing himself.

The killer has noticed the pryer's presence, but he tries to ignore it.

He waits without any resistance until the rain ceases.

Then he starts running along the street.

He runs as fast as none could catch up with him.

After a while, he reaches the club.

He walks into it as he always does.

The pryer follows him to the bar but does not enter.

He can see from the outside the ordinary tables and chairs in the room, where the killer is standing in front of the bar counter.

He can see that There is an old man sitting behind it, throwing cash from the safety box into a large bag.

As a result, the killer's bag is soon full of money.

Turning his sight Next to the bar counter, the pryer can see the computer screen glowing.

He sees The killer get to the computer and clicks the mouse.

Then a webpage shows on the screen.

The killer reads it carefully before he logs in with his ID.

Then he returns to the old man for further information.

The pryer steps forward to the computer.

He knows the offer the killer has just browsed by checking into the system.

With his ID card, he can get as much information as he needs.
But apparently he is not interested in any rewards.

What he wants is to offer a reward to the best killers.

He operates the computer and posts the reward before he leaves the bar.

The reward is unusual.

Everyone online sees it.

So does the killer.

He finds something weird with this reward, for it says little about the target and the reward is non-monetary.

There must be a name list which could limit the target to 3 or 4 celebrities.

Since he has accomplished tonight's work, he needs some rest at first.

Bringing the money with him, he falls asleep in a hotel room.

He will leave for the new reward tomorrow.

But now, all that he wants is a good sleep.

Dark is never long and it ends in 3 hours.

After The sun rises from the horizon, the sunlight breaks the cloud and illuminates the boy's face .

The young man wakes up and opens his eyes.

His eyes are brilliant under the sunlight of the early morning.

And their color is just like the clear air above the sky.

There is no fear or uncertainty in his eyes, As if star dust was in them.

Our young gentleman finishes his breakfast before he leaves the hotel.

Since he isn't bringing a gun with him, he is thinking about buying a new weapon for the reward.

Each time after assassination he throws his weapon far away from the site lest someone should see him.

It costs a fortune but it is safer and the reward can cover the cost.

The young man, although we do not know his name, has got a codename for his profession.

He is so successful that his name is well known among the young killers.

Even the elder ones have heard of it.

The name's origin is his eagerness of freedom.

Since his father was murdered two years ago, he has been practicing professional assassination.

He is competent so is used to working independently.

No wonder he usually need not share rewards with other killers  for cooperation.

But this time is different.

The sponsor says that at most 5 killers could corporate in the operation and they should work together to find out the target before they could kill him.

But there is only one killer who can have the reward, the one who literally kills the target.

And the reward is rare but appealing.

It says that the one who wins the game can order the other four killers to kill any target in the world.

Further more, this commission will not break the treatment of peace, a treatment ensuring that the killers will not offer rewards to kill each other.

It is ensured if someone breaks the treatment, he or she will get punished by the association of assassination.

But Generally, intermediating or managing is the main purpose of the association.

The association can affect a killer's future in many ways.

For example, the killer we know as Wing will receive his money after accomplishing his mission.

The association ensures that he will get paid after he kills the target.

Each killer in the association owns a digital virtual account.

The money in the account adds up after the assassination accomplished.

The association ranks the killers according to the amount of money in the account.

Wing, of course, has got one himself.

Actually, according to the association, he ranks about 190.

It means that he is among the top 200 killers in the whole association.

With such a high rank, he must have Very rare capability and talents.

There is a high probability that He is much more skillful and experienced than his peers.

The politicians he has killed by now are mostly evil spinners and their lives are expensive.

That may explain the huge amount of money he has earned.

Usually, he does not kill women or children.

But he always uses them to approach the target.

His father, who was a military officer, had educated him well.

But later he was plotted by some politician who hated him.

The boy decided to revenge before becoming a killer.

He has been practicing assassination by taking rewards, hoping that in some day he will be able to kill the politician by himself.

By now, he has already bought a new gun, and is heading for the club to take the reward issued last night.

Soon, however, he comes to realize that he is not the first applicant for the reward.

There are already two candidates who have applied for the operation.

Their code names are reportedly Joke and Dragon by the system, both of whom young killers at about the same age as Wing.

From the system, Wing can see their ranks.

Joker for 414, and Dragon for 483.

Wing feels a little bit nervous to corporate with them.

But he is confident in winning the competition and making them kill his enemy.

However, he is not the only one who wishes to win.

Interuppted by the noise of the door opening, Wing turns his attention to the back side.

The club's door is suddenly opened by a black shadow.

Wing sees a long-haired boy with a black hat walk inside.

The boy wears a black jacket and has got a black sports bag in his right hand.

After checking in by using the computer, he comes to the bar counter to greet the owner of the club.

He pretends to ignore the stranger besides him and says to the old man,

"I have heard of the news, Howard, about the anonymous reward posted last night."

The old man named Howard laughs,

"Are you interested, Duo?"

"Yes. And please call me Death at the store." answers the boy quickly.

"Okay, Death, If you want it, you should join the team. Fortunately, You have made it. You're gonna be the fourth candidate.

"The fourth?!" The boy calling himself Death cries out unexpectedly.

"Who the hell are the rest of the three? That's ridiculous! No one had ever been faster than me."

Apparently, he couldn't believe the fact that he is no longer the fastest one that he knows.

"Well, it seems that you're not as fast as they are." Says Howard peacefully.

The long-haired boy checks the information and is astonished.

"Damn it! They are not bad, especially this one.

He even ranks higher than me. But I will win the game to murder the man who starts the war.

Because I am the best sniper in this country."

Wing besides him hears the conversation.

"I don't think so." Says he softly.

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?!" Hearing the silent boy speak, the long-haired boy asks unfriendly.

"Well, just someone else interested in the reward, and, accidentally, rank higher than you do."

The long-haired boy ranks 264, and the only one ranking higher than him in this team is obviously the guy besides him.
Wing finds the boy's resume online easily.

His profile says he is an excellent sniper with a code name of Death God.

In the big black bag there must be his weapon.

"So, you are Mr. Wing, hum? I'm curious about...What you think of the other two candidates? "

Death God teases and asks Wing.

"I think they work the same way as us." Wing answers,"I hope the last candidate will be different."

"Well, I hope so. By the way, if you win the game, who is the guy you'll kill?" Asks Death God.

"I can't tell you his name but he serves the government and his safety system is hard to intrude." answers Wing.

"I see." The long-haired boy ponders for a while.

"It seems that we both have powerful enemies. Usually, I won't reject to kill someone worth it. It could make me more famous if he is big enough. I will probably help you if you win the game." God Death promises.

"I will win." Wing says for sure to Death God.

Then They cease to talk and wait for the last candidate after the deal.

It is really quiet in the club.

Then the door finally opens for the third time.

The two killers see a young gentleman from the outside and attracted by his appearance.

His hair is blonde and he wears skirt with leather shoes.

And Strangely, the killers realize at the same time that there is no weapon or bag in his hands.

His friendly smile and the way he dresses makes him look more like a businessman than a killer.

His soft hands as a pianist' makes him different from the protoype of killers.

He beams at the three guys in the club as they are curious about his identity.

"The last killer comes in the end," murmurs Death God,"and looks like a pretty friend."

To be continued


Act 1 The Best Team Ever

By Relena Yuy

Wing and Death God get the blonde's codename and rank from the net.

Sands, 16 years old, ranking 307. To be honest, that's good enough.

Talents and special skills are Gambling and intelligence searching?

Ah?! That's uncommon but...impressive.

He is probably the first killer that they've ever met by now who kills targets without a gun.

By far, the important fact is that the operation team is full after the blonde becomes the last candidate.

“You seem to be our new teammate." Says Death God to the blonde to break the ice.

"You are...?" The last candidate stares at the stranger with doubt.

"You can call me Death." The long-haired boy shakes hands with him.

"Nice to meet you, Death. I'm Sands."says he with a smile.

"...And you?"he turns to the silent one.

"Wing." The silent boy gives a simple answer.

"fantastic." sighs the blonde with feeling.

"Why?"asks Death God.

"Because you two both rank higher than 300. Every young killer knows your stories."says the blonde with the obvious admire.

"Well, I think I've seen you somewhere, but I can't remember now." Death God grabs his hat and says.

"Sands is my code name, but I am not the only person behind it."  

Wing sees a mysterious smile on the blonde's face.

"I remember we once met in Las Vegas. At that night, You beat my target by playing cards. We were at the same table. Do you remember?" cries Death God.

"I remember now." Sands nods and says.

"You are the best gambler I've ever seen. You seem to know everything about gambling and never loses."

"Well, that's a family heredity. My father is an Arabian merchant. He has taught me everything about money and also built an empire of business for me to heir. But I am not interested in company operation or signing contracts. And assassination is my hobby."

"That means you are rich, huh? I almost envy you, young, handsome, Arabian billionaire, who kills politicians for interest." exaggerates Death God.

"Haha! You can say that again."says Sands and he pats Death God on the shoulder.

"I kill politicians in favor of the war." Death Gods continues.

"I have heard about it. Death God reportedly hates the war." says Sands with his arms before his chest.

"I will kill those ...who have killed my parents by starting the war if I could get the reward.” says Death God with a a tight fist,"Yet we have no idea about the name of the target."

"Well, that is a problem." Sands thinks for a while.

"And we don't cooperate with others very often." interrupts Wing,"Do you have any experience in teamworking?"

"Yes, of course. I always work with my subordinates. They are excellent in intelligence searching." Sands looks proud.

"That's great!" Death gets excited,"You must be able to find out our target."

"I'm willing to help." replies Sands.

They dismisses and leaves the club after the talk.

But Wing's forehead knots in a frown.

"What's wrong with you?" Death leans towards him and asks for care.

"Nothing." Wing holds his tongue.

He is among those who only believe in themselves, but now he has to rely on other killers.

It makes him feel uncertain and he doesn't trust Sands as Death God does.

They have made contact with the other two members, but they haven't shown any willingness to corporate.

It's not easy to persuade independent killers to join the team.

Nothing probably can be done before the offerer contacts them.

Because the clue left in the reward is a big blur.

Sands and his team are working on it.

When they realize the sponsor won't contact them, it is about six days later.

And it is after a week does Sands call a meeting in his villa.

All of the rest of four candidates show up, including Dragon and Joker, who have difficulties in finding the target by themselves.

"We should work together because the target is tough." speaks Sands to the other candidates.

"Who is the target?"asks the young man in white.

"What is the plan?"asks the young man next to him.

"You'll know soon."replies Sands before he turns on the projector.

A profile shows on the screen hanging on the wall of the hobby.

"What?" Death God cries out, "That's too crazy. He is out of our range. We would fail!"

"Not exactly. If we worked separately, we could fail. But we work as a team now, remember?" Reminds Sands to Death God.

"I'm in."seeing the portrait, says Wing within a minute.

"It sounds interesting. To murder a minister? We are in."says the black-haired boy in white when he looks to his partner.

"Great. Here is the plan." Announces Sands,

"We will kidnap the target's daughter, and ask him to show up on his own."

"Kidnapping is simple. I think I can do it." The Chinese guy recommends himself.

"Done, then it's for Dragon to take care of the hostage."says Sands with satisfaction.

"And we need someone to hide himself among the targrt's body guards. Who will take this job? It could be dangerous, so I prefer someone prudent."

The one in a long fringe puts his hand up and says, "Let me take it. I am good at disguising."

"Good. The body guards are yours, Joker."

"What should we do next?"asks Death God, who can't wait any longer.

"After the target shows up, it's time for you to snipe him."

"I will do my best." promises Death God happily.

"And Wing, please assist him."orders Sands when he turns to the last boy.

"I'd like to kill the target by myself, so I 'm afraid I can't help."refuses the silent boy.

"Why? I thought we had an agreement. "Sands doesn't understand.

"Yes, we have an agreement, but not for this one. I have to kill him for he is the one who killed my father."says the boy with anger.

Everyone is shocked.

No one talks.

The silence lasts for several minutes.

"Uh..I think he can have the target, if he gives up the award." suggests Joker.

"If I kill the target successfully,  I will keep the reward. If any of you want it, bid for it."certifies Wing seriously.

"That's fair. Since We all have enemies to kill, We should work as a team to help each other." puts in Dragon.

"Uh..You may have the target, then. Death God will support you." agrees Sands finally.

Wing sighs with satisfaction.

"But, what if the target doesn't show up, or we cannot get the daughter?"Death God breaks in.

"Then I 'll assassinate him." answers Joker immediately.

"That's true. Actually, according to the plan, everyone has a chance to get to the target. But it's no big deal if any one of us fails. The reward will be reserved until someone kills him."

Sands' plan sounds perfect. The other four members have no question about it.

After Everyone signs on the contract to ensure their commitments they dismiss to make preparations according to the plan.

On the one hand, Dragon leaves for kidnapping.

On the other hand, Joker pretends to apply for the target's body guard.

And the other three members wait for their missions to be completed.

To be continued


Act 2  The Game Unstoppable

By Relena Yuy

Mask, who set the reward anonymously, also worked for OZ.

His superior Treize Khushrenada has been satisfied with his work.

But, this time, he may get disappointed by his subordinate.

Mask, whose real name is Zechs Marquise, has been closely watching the killers in operation.

In addition to being a killer, he is an officer of a military group called OZ.

And his superior Treize is the director of the group.

By joining OZ, he manages to find his missing sister, who was adopted by the minister of the country.

But he hasn't decided whether to tell her about the story.

Treize has ordered to assassinate the member from one of the richest families in the country.

Zechs offers a reward but he couldn't list the target directly.

The target's name cannot be shown in the reward, or it will break the peace treatment of the association of assacination.

If he doesn't want to be sentenced by the association, he'd better not to make public the target's name.

Neither could he tell the chosen killers target's name without revealing himself.

The situation became strange when the last candidate showed up.

But Zechs can do nothing about it even though the operation is proceeding in a weird direction.

The killers didn't find the target he left but aimed to Minister Dorlian, who is not only an important client of Group OZ but also his sister's adoptive father.

Zechs thinks that it's only a coincidence, so he doesn't worry too much.

He believes the killers will find out the real target as they are the best ones.

Time passes by.

And Joker succeeds in hiding himself in the guards' group.

The next step is to get closer to the leader of the group and find out the bugs in the safety system.

It will take months to know every detail of the system.

But the killers wait in patience.

Sands, as he searches for the target and makes the whole plan, seems sure to win the game.

Either by bidding for the reward right or by killing the target himself, he has twice the possibility of winning the game than the other four candidates.

He regards that helping Wing kill the target and bidding for the reward is advantageous.

After joker's success in his job, Dragon successfully abducts Relena Dorlian, who is the adoptive daughter of Minister Dorlian.

It is Wing's father that was plotted by him, so Wing is eager to shoot him by himself.

No one wants to step in because Wing is not only the strongest but also the most experienced among them.

And for Death God, he can't wait but starts to clean his instruments and assemble the parts together.

After the girl is kidnapped, the team soon finds out her adoptive story and the fact that she has got a big brother in OZ.

They contact Dorlian by her cellphone and pretends to ask for the ransom.

Dorlian agrees to show up As he considers them as ordinary kidnappers who only want the money.

But he doesn't come by himself and the body guards substituting him fail to get the hostage back.

There might be something wrong with Joker's work.

Or maybe it's he who stops Darlian's from coming to gain his trust.

Anyway, they can wait for another chance.

Zechs gets informed from Dorlian's guards and knows about  Relena 's missing.

And his subordinates report that she is kidnapped by a killer from the association.

Zechs acts as Mask and gets the killer's codename from other killers.

Then he traces to find out the plan of the team for his offer.

He has no choice but to contact the five killers for the first time.

Wing answers Relena's cellphone and gets told that they have got the wrong person.

But Wing doesn't want to give up assasinating Dorlian so he refuses to lease the hostage.

He threats to kill Relena to get the name of the real target, but he fails.

He has to cut the line off.

Death God, Sands and Dragon all hear about the news, but they agree to continue the game even though the target is told wrong.

Then they find that Mask cancels the reward.

After a while Joker calls in.

Sands answers the phone worriedly.

It looks like Joker managing to get into the security system and having extra gift for them.

"The girl is the younger sister of the reward's sponsor. His codename is Mask. And he works for Dorlian."

"Well done, Joker. I really want to tell you something good for award, But I've got bad news for you." sighs Sands softly.

"what's it, Sands?"

"The sponsor, or Mask, says we have got the wrong target and he just cancelled the reward. "

"....Well...You know my situation, Sands. I cannot withdraw now." Joker sounds dejected.

"But the good news is that we agree to continue the operation. Now we count on your opinion."

"I agree to continue. We've invested too much to draw back. And now I really need your backup."

"What can we do for you?"

"Just mail him a fake video about his adoptive daughter, and I promise to send you Minister Dorlian in one week."

"I appreciate that...and wait for your message."

Sands ends the conversation and tells the others about their new plan.

On the one hand, a video is made quickly.

It contains fake scenes about the death of Relena and is mailed to Dorlian.

As they expect, Joker sends the message saying that Dorlian will show up with guards on Sunday.

On the other hand , the hostage is angry and refuses to eat.

Dragon has been tired of taking care of the young lady but he has no choice.

"Why are you watching me here, sir?" The girl tries to make a conversation with the killer.

"Well, because we are planning to kill your father, and you are our cherish hostage,Miss." says Dragon gently.

"I see. You are professional assassinates, but dare not to kill a woman." mocks Relena cunningly.

"I don't want to kill you, but if you don't watch your mouth, I'm willing to seal it for you for free." replies Dragon unhappily.

"I believe you will, sir. But if you have got cooperators, how would you divide the reward after killing my father?"

Obviously, Relena is not afraid of the kidnapper, and she resumes talking,

"I've seen many professionals like you. Even the best ones, they fought with each other for the reward and finally got killed by the body guards. I hope you won't repeat their mistake."

Shenlong sniffs with contempt.

But it shakes his belief in this team.

Relena notices his shake, so she ceases to talk.

Now at Dorlian's house, Zechs' new assistant is working on the defense plan.

"They won't release the hostage unless the minister shows by himself. And they sent us the videotape. It seems that the young miss is tortured by them." Joker, or shall we call him Trowa Barton, reports to the head of the guards.

"Minister Dorlian will go to their place to get Relena back." says Zechs to his new assistant.

The young man joined the guards about 3 months ago, but he is smart enough to take the responsibility in spite of his age.

"Make sure the safety system is flawless before we set out." orders Zechs,"The minister's life is of the most importance."

"Yes, sir."answers Trowa.

"And no one can stop me from killing him. "

He speaks to himself.

To be continued

[ 本帖最后由 renaissance0721 于 2015-4-12 21:13 编辑 ]

Relena Yuy from Operation Zero
littletinghin (依柏)


  写作原创LV2   美术原创LV3   Wing Zero  
UID 193
积分 16234
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发表于 2014-7-25 14:25  资料  短消息  加为好友 

Against the Norm

UID 24876
积分 393
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发表于 2014-7-25 16:51  资料  短消息  加为好友  QQ
回复 #2 littletinghin 的帖子


Relena Yuy from Operation Zero
Hilda (希ちゃん)


  写作原创LV1   海外军团-澳大利亚   Wing Zero   ♀自曝章   萌声祭  
UID 258
积分 8568
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发表于 2014-7-25 20:57  资料  主页 短消息  加为好友  添加 Hilda 为MSN好友 通过MSN和 Hilda 交谈

あ         () ()          う         
お 碧  =(     )=  兔 さ     “Carpe Diem 及时行乐。”   (৴Ố_Ố.)৴⁔❀
い          (o)          ぎ

UID 24876
积分 393
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发表于 2014-7-26 18:57  资料  短消息  加为好友  QQ
回复 #4 Hilda 的帖子


Relena Yuy from Operation Zero
Hilda (希ちゃん)


  写作原创LV1   海外军团-澳大利亚   Wing Zero   ♀自曝章   萌声祭  
UID 258
积分 8568
帖子 9886
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发表于 2014-7-26 20:39  资料  主页 短消息  加为好友  添加 Hilda 为MSN好友 通过MSN和 Hilda 交谈
回复 #5 renaissance0721 的帖子

么~~~除非你的工作就是职业翻译,不然母语不是e文的人怎么都很难写出非常地道的e文小说的 ——学术论文那种文邹邹的东西不算数

あ         () ()          う         
お 碧  =(     )=  兔 さ     “Carpe Diem 及时行乐。”   (৴Ố_Ố.)৴⁔❀
い          (o)          ぎ

UID 24876
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发表于 2014-7-27 10:16  资料  短消息  加为好友  QQ
回复 #6 Hilda 的帖子


Relena Yuy from Operation Zero

UID 24876
积分 393
帖子 466
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阅读权限 20
发表于 2015-3-17 15:43  资料  短消息  加为好友  QQ
Act 3 The Independent Moves

By Relena Yuy

The aim of the game has changed since Mask ended the reward.

But the contract signed by the five killers is still valid.

It says that the one who kills Dorlian successfully will have the right to make the other four killers kill any target he wants.

With the contract, Sands acts calm as if he should be.

Apparently, he shouldn't.

After all, Dorlian is a fake target he has made up to fool the other four.

But the reason why he shouldn't be calm must not be unsealed.

Because the real target is no one else but himself.

How lucky he was to have investigated that one of the candidates wanted to kill Dorlian eagerly.

And Dorlian is coincidentally the sponsor's client.

Yes, luckily he is well informed as he hires the best people: hackers, detectives, spies and intelligence experts.

And what's more, he is good at using people.

Just like he taking advantage of Wing's hatred and thus having misled the killers' aim.

That was an excellent move.

With this move, he could be safe.

So at the moment he is definitely calm and confident.

He knows that he will finally thrive this time as he always does.

As the only heir of the Winners, he has been used to being targeted.

And he has learnt to protect himself as well.

He can survive from assassination, if he doesn't lose the game.

So he has to win with any costs.

He trusts the other four killers, especially Trowa Barton.

It's easy for him to get all the real names of the killers.

Joker's success will be fatal to the whole plan.

If he fails, no one could get to Dorlian.

But Trowa is brilliant.

Sands believes he can accomplish his mission.

He analysizes them separately.

Wing is direct and persistent so he will not betray the team.

God Death is proud, simple-minded but skillful so he is just good enough to assist Wing.

As for Dragon, he could be unsure.

It is vital to prevent his betrayal.

"If I could use Wing to compete with him, Wing might beat him in the end."

Sands says to himself.

"I hope Wing could beat him and win the game..."

It is raining outside.

Sands stands up slowly and walks to the window.

The wind feels chilly.

But he doesn't want to put on the coat.

He feels that the cold wind will make him think clearly.

His hair is kind of wet because of the steam from the garden.

But he doesn't care.

He has received a text from Trowa.

It is the confirmation of the operation on Sunday.

He checks the text, breathes deeply and decides to call Wing.

Slowly as he dials the number.

"Wing." He says with low voice.

"Make sure you are alone and listen to me."

"Here is the plan between us..."

Wing answers the phone secretly.

He is always susceptive.

But it is Dorlian who he will assassinate this time.

He is not acting like usual.

Because his heart never beats so fast as he is so close to his goal.

He has to kill Dorlian by himself.

No one can replace him to revenge.

Thus he agrees to Sands' plan as soon as he gets informed of the possible betrayal of Dragon.

He cannot lose.

He cannot afford it.

This might be the only chance of his life span to get help from other killers as well as to get to Dorlian.

He decides to stop Dragon from killing his target as Sands suggests.

Meanwhile, Dragon and Death God are discussing the details of the operation.

They plot the spots on the map and decide on the order of the attacks.

But neither of them wants a real corporation.

After all, they have worked independently since the first day of being a killer.

Not to mention they both eagerly want the right to kill some big target.

So both of them try to get themselves a chance for the target and neither of them is interested in the original target from the sponsor.

The reward is more appealing than the truth.

After all, they are killers, not soldiers, which means they don't need to obey the order from superiors.

It has nothing to do with the sponsors or targets.

But it's everything about the rewards.

Why should they make effort to figure out the truth?

That's not like a killer's behavior.

Anyway, the plan can be just a plan.

No one on the earth will act to the plan without any exception.

And both of them know thoroughly about the corporation among killers.

It hardly happens and never works well.

Sands of course knows that.

That's why he makes his move.

So does Wing and Joker.


Relena's brother cannot fall asleep.

It is too hard for him to decide on which one to sacrifice, his sister or his client.

Sunday is coming.

He will either get Relena back or protect the minister.

But he could not have both.

It is cruel but real.

He has to make a choice.

Just like he always having to choose to live with which identity, Mask, the killer, or Zachs, the guard.

Finally he decides to protect his sister's safety first.

Mr. Dorlian is not the target he sponsored.

But he has no idea why the killers got the wrong target.

And he is not sure whether they will give up the assassination after he canceled the reward.

He feels upset because it is too weird the situation.

He has never sponsored a target like this one.

It is not reasonable for him to fail killing an adolescent heir like him.

It shouldn't have violated the peace treatment of the association.

Is it only a systematic error or ...

A cold fear thrills through his vein.

There is a possibility...

What if the possibility happens...

Zachs tries to ignore the fear and calm down.

'No, he cannot be a killer.'

'The Winners' have opposed to the war for years. He couldn't betray the belief of his father and become a killer.'

'That's unreasonable.'

'But too weird.'

He couldn't make his mind.

Treize's order is absolute.

But he has decided to rescue Relena first.

The Winners' heir is doomed to die on one day.

He thinks he can afford waiting.

To Be Continued

[ 本帖最后由 renaissance0721 于 2015-4-7 21:19 编辑 ]

Relena Yuy from Operation Zero

UID 24876
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发表于 2015-3-20 21:18  资料  短消息  加为好友  QQ
Act 4 The only opportunity to Goal

By Relena Yuy

Mr. Dorlian has never dreamed of Relena could have been murdered by those kidnappers.

'If they are kidnappers, why didn't they accept the ransom sent by the guards but insisted upon my presence?'

Minister Dorlian is not an idiot.

Not to mention that his body guards are the elites from OZ.

His Last time's absence was suggested by Zachs, the head of his guards.

It was one of Zachs' subordinates who deduced that the real aim of the kidnappers was not money.

He has been here for three months.

Zachs said the new guy was useful and gave the kid a position around him.

And it was him who said that they should only send guards with ransom first to figure out the kidnappers' real aim.

It turned out that the young guard was right.

The kidnappers are not interested in money, which means they might be interested in human life.

Mr. Dorlian doesn't trust guards.

Neither does he believe any words of the kidnappers.

And he senses the obvious danger and provocation of those "kidnappers".

But Relena, his adoptive daughter, is too important to him.

So he has to show up this time to get his daughter back -- whether she is alive or dead.

It is said that every man has a weak point, even the toughest ones.

That might be the truth.

When Dorlian saw the video of Relena, he could no longer stay cool.

He has suffered from serious insomnia.

His anxiety caused by lack of sleep has ruined several important speaks in his career.

In the end he decides to take a risk.

The rescue has been deliberately plot by Zachs.

He plans to take the smart new guard with him.

This is exactly what the killers want.

At 8:00, the killers will assassinate Mr. Dorlian together.

Dorlian shows up as he promised.

Zachs makes sure he is surrounded by guards.

Shenlong with The hostage is waiting for them.

Dorlian can't wait to see if Relena is safe.

So he gets out of the car as soon as he sees his adoptive daughter alive without hearing Zachs' rejection.

He can't understand his dangerous situation Until Death God shoots him unexpectedly from the top of a building.

The bullet is covered by one of his guards.

But more and more bullets are coming from different directions.

The guards are confused and don't know what to do.

They cannot even figure out where the bullets are from!

More and more guards are wounded by protecting Mr. Dorlian.

Zachs can't stand the loss anymore.

He orders the minister to get back into the car as soon as possible.

But Dorlian cannot move for he is now surrounded by Zachs' subordinates.

Zachs reluctantly gets out of the car to grab Mr. Dorlian's arm.

But the moment he gets out, he is immediately shot in the shoulder.

"Don't move." Someone orders.

The voice is familiar.

Zachs turns around and sees Trowa Barton with a gun in his hand.

Then he realizes that he has betrayed him.

"You...how dare you betray us."

Trowa ignores his curse and sniffs,

"No, I didn't. Just another inside job."

He handcuffs his boss and orders,

"Now you stay here."

Then He gives a signal to the other four killers before he starts to complete the rest of the guards with Death.

Dragon gets the signal from Joker thus he leaves Relena alone.

Zachs sees it but he was tied up so he cannot move.

Dragon is not interested in Zachs.

He reaches Dorlian under the cover of the other killers and waits.

When Death reloads his sniper rifle, Joker just runs out of bullets.

'Here's the chance.'

He thinks.

So he pushes the stunned target and gets him into the copilot so that Death and Joker cannot aim at the target.

That was smart, but apparently he ignores the backseat.

Wing and Sands have received the signal from Joker and hided themselves in the backseat.

Because they know ahead Dragon's opportunism.

Dragon gets into the pilot while aiming at Dorlian with a gun.

But he gets aimed just before he tries to start the car.

At the same time, Dorlian is also aimed by someone.

Dragon feels clearly the cold touch of the metal on the back of his head.

Then he sees the faces in the mirror.

"Drive the car."

The order is cold but clear.

"What if I didn't?" Says Dragon to Wing.

"Then you will know it."

Wing sounds serious.


Dragon gives up and drives the car to the cliff.

Wing asks Sands to take him.

Sands aims at him so that Wing can take Dorian himself.

Dorian shakes heavily because he recognizes the face in front of him.

He raises his hands and begs,

"Look,...Heero. Your...father's death...isn't my fault......"

He speaks out the name of the kid in front of him.

But the killer won't buy it.

He continues to aim at Dorlian with his gun and steps forward.

"Shot by me, or jump by yourself, Mr. Dorlian?"

He forces Dorlian to step back slowly towards the edge of the cliff.

Dorlian is forced to walk backward but he stops because he is so close to the edge.


Wing loads the gun and orders.

Dorlian turns around slowly with his hands raised.

"Please don't hurt Relena."

He begs as if he were going to jump into the gorge.

"If there is no need."

Wing responses.

"I'm sorry for your loss. Your father...was a good friend. "

"We went to college together and..."

"And we were partners in the administration."

Dorlian sounds sad.

"I never hated him. I just...just have no power to save a friend even in this position."

"Trust me...The politicians...we have no more power than you...Heero. If you know about your father's job...you will understand that...that his death was...no tragedy..It was an honor, kid."

Dorlian slows down his speed of speech so that the killer in front of him could have enough time to think about his words.

This is just another move of his.

But it works for Wing as his moves always work for the people.

The killer breaths deeply for he can't help shaking.

But he finally manages to handle the gun in his hand.

"After hearing these if you still hate me, you can kill me."

Dorlian stands up straight and turns around back to the killer.

He stares at the boy's eyes and says peacefully,

"I won't jump, Heero. If you want a revenge, just shoot me."

The killer seems hesitated.

The other four are watching.

Obviously, Dorlian doesn't mean to give up his own life.

He is seducing Wing into giving up.

Sands, Dragon and Joker keep silent.

They are waiting for Wing's last decision.

If Wing fails, they will kill the target.

But Death shouts out aloud,

"Kill him!"

"Wing, kill him! He killed your father! He deserves it!"

Wing hears Death and pulls himself together.

Dorlian is irritated by Death's interruption and shows a sign of it.

Then Wing is a hundred percent sure that Dorlian was lying.

He gets really angry and makes his mind fast.

After he aims at the target again, Wing pulls the trigger.

"Say hello to my dad, Dorlian."

He shouts aloud and feels unburdened while the bullet shoots through Dorlian's chest.

The target is finally to be completed.

The killers can see clearly the blood gush from the wound.

And Wing can even smell it since he is closer to the body.

Dorlian closes his eyes and falls to his knees.

He is suffering and moaning.

But the killers are watching him dying with no feelings.

Wing is relieved.

He steps forward to the dying man, loads the gun again, and drops it to the ground near him.

Dorlian gets the hint.

He grabs the gun and pulls the trigger.

To be Continued

[ 本帖最后由 renaissance0721 于 2015-4-7 21:24 编辑 ]

Relena Yuy from Operation Zero

UID 24876
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发表于 2015-3-20 21:19  资料  短消息  加为好友  QQ
Act 5 The real game that hasn't started

By Relena Yuy

"Minister Dorlian has been missing for six days, and the police keep searching..."

Shutting off the news in the television, Relena Dorlian cannot help jumping on the couch heatedly,

"My father could have already been killed by those cruel killers...."

She keeps pacing back and forth worriedly until her brother stops her with a hug.

"Calm down, Relena. We can not conclude yet. There could be a chance he is alive."

"Don't comfort me, brother." Relena cries in Zachs' arms,

"If not so, why hasn't he contacted me by now?!"

Zachs sighs with sorrow,

"Don't cry. I'll find him for you. I promise."

Relena nods at the man hugging her.

She remembers the day when her father and this man came to rescue her.

She was taken home safely by this man she'd thought of her father's body guard, but her father has been missing since that day.

The man who saved her told her at night that he was her missing brother and he had been protected her and her father for so many years!

How shocked she was!

And it took her several hours to accept it.

Zachs chose the timing to tell Relena about his real identity because he wanted to cheer up his sister after the whole kidnapping case.

But Relena got really upset after the short surprise made by her brother.

She told her brother that she felt this time's assacination was quite different from all the team assacinations they had experienced before.

She feels pessimistic about her adoptive father's survival.

So does Zachs.

He doesn't expect Dorlian's return at all, but he has to pretend to be opportunistic for Relena.

If he knew ahead that Relena was going to revenge, he would impede her with his best effort.


Sands has won the bidding and taken the right of the reward after Wing successfully completed Dorlian.

The target has by now been changed to the reward's sponsor and his superior.

Dragon, Joker and Death have to fulfill their promises because the contract is still valid.

As for Wing, he has accepted the offer from the Winners' and started to work for Sands.

The real game has not yet started.

And the real targets are just aimed.

Sands and his team will not let the targets escape.

Just like hunters will not let prey get away.

Sands is showing his new friends around his base.

Groups of people are collecting intelligence for him.

They will report directly to him if they find any news that might threaten their master's safety.

They are loyal and efficient.

It seems that Sands wants his new friends to work with his old team members.

Dragon, Joker and Death, including Wing had no idea about how powerful Sands' team was but now they have a picture in their own minds.

"Even though I've got the best intelligence department, I have to count on you this time."says Sands to his friends,

"As we know, Zechs Marquise and Treize Khushrenada are the core of Group OZ, whose sponsor is the plutocrat of the war party. That's what we all hate. That's our accordant enemy."says him convincingly,

"We are excellent assassins. Thus the target should be completed by us."

The other four killers, however, are not involved in Sands' inspiring speech.

A suspicion has sprang up in their minds.

Finally, Joker skillfully asks the question that has been rooted in the minds of the four.

"Since we work for you now, I think we have the right to ask for the truth. Sands, Would you please be honest for this time?"

"Of course, my friend. Go ahead, and I will be as honest as you expect."

Sands smiles as usual.

"Well, then here is the question that we're all eager for the answer."


"Who on earth is the the original target sponsored by Mask? We all know it's not Dorlian. Who were you trying to protect?"

"Well, this is a good question, but an very unimportant one," responses Sands with a mysterious smile,"since Dorlian has already been killed by Heero and I have already won the reward."

The blonde does not answer the question directly.

"Before I answer your question, I'd like to confirm one thing first."

"What do you want to know?" Joker frowns with impatience.

"Will you change your minds after knowing who was the original target?"

"I think we have made it clear since we are here for you." answers Joker.

" I didn't mean to lie to you all, but there is a reason why I couldn't tell you about the real target."

"So what's the reason?"

"Well, just as you supposed. I have someone's life to protect." sighs Sands softly.

"I think it's been obvious enough, but if you want to hear it from me, I will confess that I was the real target sponsored by Mask."

Hearing the answer, Joker doesn't look unexpected.

Neither do Dragon, Death or Wing.

"You aren't surprised, are you?"asks Sands.

"No, we don't." Dragon shook his head,

"Joker was right. He assumed that you were lying about the target, but he also assumed that Dorlian was worthier of killing. So we kept silent."

"Thanks for it, really.” says Sands gratefully.

The other killers get the answer they want.

Then the meeting begins.

"it's time to prepare for the next action." announces Wing to all the other killers.

"Treize must die. But we should kill Mask first." suggests Death angrily.

"That's true. If we get Mask, Treize and Group OZ will be easier to complete."agrees Dragon.

"Since Dorlian has died, his adoptive daughter must be unstable. And Mask must be around her."adds Sands.

"We could trace her phone to reach Mask." advises Wing.

"No worry about the peace treatment of the association." implies Joker.

The goal is unified.

The team is about to act.

To Be Continued

[ 本帖最后由 renaissance0721 于 2015-3-29 20:42 编辑 ]

Relena Yuy from Operation Zero

UID 24876
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发表于 2015-3-27 06:48  资料  短消息  加为好友  QQ
Act 6 The Real Targets of the Game

By Relena Yuy

Treize calls the meeting with Zachs immediately after knowing Dorlian's missing.

He is not satisfied with Zachs' work for two things.

The first thing is Zachs' failure in protecting Minister Dorlian, who was an important client of his organization, and the second thing is his defeat of murdering the Winners' heir, who has been a threat to the syndicate behind the group.

Sophisticated as Treize is, he couldn't connect these two events together to draw a conclutusion of the situation, while Zachs has been under such a pressure since Relena was kidnapped that he couldn't even let his superior simply know the real truth.

Zachs, of course, has no idea why Treize is so anxious to complete the life of the Winner's heir.

Anyway, he is only in his sixteen and hasn't shown himself ever in the public.

Even no one has ever seen the portrait of him.

Not to mention any power or influence he could have got.

Zachs therefore doesn't mean to withhold the weird error in sponsoring the reward of Quatre Winner.

He simply underestimates the Winners because of the lack of information.

As for Dorlian, Zachs regards his death as inevitable since the minister has made lots of enemies for his career.

Thus neither does he feel guilty for his mistakes .

To tell the truth, the only thing that Zachs really cares about now is the future of his younger sister.

She may need some more time to pull herself together again.

And it will be difficult for her to accept her adoptive father's tragedy.

However, it could be much more difficult to explain the whole story to Treize.

But he believes that Treize finally will forgive him.

At least the dead body is still not found.

He still has time to tackle the situation by first investigating the betrayal guard.

'Treize doesn't need to know there was a spy in his team.'

Zachs thinks.

'He always enphasizes on the credibility of the organization.'

'But the death of Dorlian may destroy the confidence of some of the clients in Group OZ.'

'He should be discontent. '

'Unless I could find out the true identitis of those killers, the situation would not get salvaged.'

Thus Zechs decides to delay the murder of Quatre Winner and firstly to hunt the killers.


Quatre Winner has a lot of secrets.

One of them is that he has been registered as Sands in the World Association of Assacination.

Born in a rich family, he is not like other rich kids who are spoiled by their parents with luxurious life style.

His family only supplies him with the least resources he needs to survive.

The way to assassination is included.

There are many young killers at his age registered in the association.

But obviously he has got different intentions from others.

First, code name 'Sands' meaning the deadly desert also represents the fact that there is a team behind it.

Quatre Winner is namely the leader of this team.

He has used this name kill the politicians for zillions of times.

But he has also been protected by this name for countless times.

Second, although the mechanism underlying is not known for most of the people, the Winners have survived for generations because of it.

Every heir of the family has to become a registered killer before adulthood.

The necessary training lessons start from his 6, and by his 12,the heir will be able to accomplish the task.

He will increase the experience until he is 18.

Then he will quit assassination and become the master of the house.

It is a tradition in Winner's family.

No one gets an exception.

Quatre Winner inherits his father's team when he was 12.

And he has been looking forward to building his own team since four years ago.

As a tradition, some of them will become his bodyguards after his inheritation.

So he has to pick the guys he trusts.

Wing is the first killer that he has invited to his team.

After he revenged for his father, Wing has no reason to be a killer anymore.

So the silent young man accepted Sands' invitation at the first time.

Maybe it is just the right time to start a new chapter of his life.

Accepting the offer, now he has to deploy the security for his new boss, even though they are only 16.

In addition, the assacination of Zachs and Treize should be thoroughly planned out.

So the other three killers have stayed in one of the Winner's villas for preperation.

Time is life.

Hence they have run through the nights in order to get rid of Zachs before he finds out their true identities.

Then they will intrude the dwelling of Treize, the headquater of Group OZ.

Quatre himself will take part in the operation.

The conspiracies are all linked with one another, so they have to make the arrangement as comprehensive as possible.

At last the first move is about to be made.


Zachs finds Trowa Barton's application from the intelligence department of OZ.

But obviously Killer Joker is just like what his code name implies.

He is sophisticated, flexible and prudent.

The ambiguity makes Zachs reluctantly give up tracing his whereabouts.

The clues are suddenly interupted.

And The Association gives him no right to access the killers' real life.

That is one of the norms of the game.

He thinks he has no right to complain about it.

That seems naive as for him.

But he could do nothing.

He only wishes the police would not find Dorlian's body too soon.

Or his sister's heart will get broken.

It has been a week since the rescue operation.

The operation cannot be called a success because Relena was rescued while Dorlian was abducted.

And Treize wants an explaination.

Zachs has been so distracted that he has even forgotten to chek on the cellphone of Relena.

This mistake is fatal.

Because the experienced killers bugged and installed tracking in her phone as soon as they kidnapped her in case she should have run away.

Now the tracking system is still working.

Relena should have noticed it since it is not her first kidnapping, but she is also too distracted by the missing of his father to pay any attention to her cellphone.

It costs almost no endeavor for the killers to know well their whereabouts.

One day she contacts with his brother by her phone and asks him to come to the cafe because she finds her wallet missing the moment she about to check out.

She regularly comes to the cafe on Wednesdays.

But she has got bad luck on this Wednesday.

When she calls her brother, the killers have already been lying in ambush around her.

It was Joker who intentionally stole her wallet when she went to the bathroom.

But she overlooked it.

Zachs hurries to the cafe without noticing the seat in front of her is aimed by a sniper.

But he doesn't get seated as the killers expected so that Death God cannot tackle the shot.

Fortunatelly, Dragon is sitting behind that seat.

So he stands up nimbly and aims at Relena.

Zachs steps forward to cover her as Dragon expected.

Then it happens.

Zachs falls onto the table in front of him.

Relena screams, not loudly, more in surprise than terror.

Her brother is shot in the heart to her face.

And the killer runs away so fast that she cannot even see what is under the hat.

After the assacination, Dragon gets on Joker's motorcycle without hesitation.

The latter races technically into the secret tunnels so that they cannot get traced.

Another target is completed.

But the last one is way more difficult to end up.

To Be Continued

[ 本帖最后由 renaissance0721 于 2015-4-7 20:53 编辑 ]

Relena Yuy from Operation Zero

UID 24876
积分 393
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阅读权限 20
发表于 2015-4-3 10:32  资料  短消息  加为好友  QQ
Act 7 The Last Winner

By Relena Yuy

Organization of the Zodiac is a military organization lead by Treize Khushrenad, who is also the representative of Romefeller.

As the Chief Commander of OZ, Treize works for the sake of Romefeller's arms trade.

But Treize wants his own people.

That's why he hired Zachs Marquies and built his own troop.

Zachs's death has weakened his power in Romefeller.

So it is highly important to find someone suitable for Zachs's position.

Not surprisingly, Treize is considering the candidates from the subordinates of Zachs.

Before long, the name Trowa Barton catches his attention.

He knows that it is a hasty decision to promote a new comer to such a key position.

But the situation does not allow him to hesitate.

Consequently, Trowa Barton is allowed to know everything about OZ and Romefeller's representative.

As soon as Joker receives his promotion, the killers start planning the final assassination for Treize.

Joker is admitted into the headquarter of OZ and even to the mansion house of Treize.

This makes it possible to get Treize's private schedules.

The killers only need one clear night to sneak into the mansion and the bedroom of the aim.

That night comes.

At 8:00 p.m., Treize is listening to the opera before he goes to bed as usual.

It is also the time point of the security's shift.

Trowa Barton is in the monitor room of the mansion.

One of the glowing screens shows two invaders with the guard's suits into the master bedroom.

Treize Khushrenad stares at the strangers' faces with astonishment.

Maybe it is not at all strange for him because one of them looks just like the person who he ordered Zachs to murder.

He unconsciously utters the name before he is shot by the rifle.

Then the alarm rings loudly after the invaders jump out of the window.

And then there starts noise of gun battles from the outside.

There is no one left in the monitor room now.

All the securities are involved in the search of invaders.

But the intruders flee away efficiently according to the instructions of Joker.

Death God shoots the last bullet and withdraws with his teammates.

Dragon and Sands swap the uniforms and get onto the helicopter that Wing, Death God and Joker are already in.

"I haven't got enough time to delete the record of the bedroom." Joker says worriedly,"there's possibility..."

"Never mind." interrupts Sands,"It's no big deal. Let's get out of here."

The helicopter takes off and flies away.

The killers are excited about their success.

They celebrate with Champagne after they return to the villa.

After all, they will get recorded in the history assassination after completing a target as valuable as Treize Khushrenad.

And it's side effects of Romefeller's losses are what they are also keenly longing for.

The war party finally pays the price.

And the news of Treize's death spreads among killers.

The day after the assassination, Sands looks through the window where Wing's appearance is reflected.

The latter stands behind him with no words as he should.

"Relena Dorlian,"the master says to his servant,"what do you think of her?"

Wing thinks for a while and answers,

"She is smart and motivated. She might come for revenge. She will, I believe."

"I hope you are right. The Christmas party is coming. As her wish, I will invite her to the party. Make sure she will not escape."

Wing takes a bow and leaves quietly.


Relena Dorlian has got informed of Khushrenad's death from her best friend, Dorothy, who is also a relative of the Romefellers.

After knowing her father's death and seeing the death of her big brother, she felt not that astonished when she heard the bad news from Dorothy.

It is like a chain of rings.

She is sure the murders are connected with each other.

Azrael, the god of death, won't have deprived with no reason of one after another lives of her dearest family, and now even the family of her best friend.

She does her best to console her friend even though she herself is in gloomy.

But Dorothy is more rancorous than grieved.

She goads Relena into murdering the initiator of evil by showing the video of the monitor.

It records the name of one of the intruders at that night.

And Relena finds it not strange at all.

She agrees to revenge, but she needs Dorothy's help.

They decide to wait until the night of Christmas.

Relena manages to get the invitation from the Winners' Christmas party by applying with her last name of her biological father, Peacecraft.

She brings the gun Dorothy gave her to the party and successfully avoids the check of  the metal detector.

Never could she dream of the fact that all her success by now is calculated by the host of the party.

The ball is filled with the celebrities and the renowned families who are against the war.

There are politicians, merchants, artists and scholars.

They dance and chat gracefully without noticing the young lady being alone.

Peaceceaft is an ancient noble family which has already decayed because of war.

Relena is its last descendent.

She looks around in search of the figure of Quartre Winner.

She secretly checks the gun in her purse, but she wants more than to kill him.

She wants the Winners to pay the price of raising such a cold-blooded killer.

So she strides towards the platform, uncover to the participants the dark secrets of the heir of the Host.

Sands and Wing didn't expect such behavior, but the guards respond quickly enough to subdue that beautiful young lady, who will else ruin the fame of their young master.

Pitifully, it is hard for the peace lovers to believe such a terrifying story.

The ball continues with laughters of understanding.

However, Quatre Winner believes he might have to go through the night with a fixed smile on his face, while his crisis was hardly saved by his father laughing at the announcement as a joke.

After all, he has lost tonight's game strategically although not tactically.

But the young master finds the girl interesting.

Since the horrible assassination story ends up with a ball, why cannot the next one be love?

Wing pats on the shoulder of his master and leave for the next mission that Sands has not uttered.

Maybe one day, after he inherits the family property, he might tell the true story of him to that girl starring at him.

Or maybe not.

But he believes young lady will finally find out the real history of her adoptive father, her big brother, her friend's cousin, as well as the history of the young gentleman she wants to kill by the same way she finds out the history of herself.

By then, she may forgive the one she hated and accept the cruelty of the world.

The End

[ 本帖最后由 renaissance0721 于 2015-4-14 19:36 编辑 ]

Relena Yuy from Operation Zero

UID 24876
积分 393
帖子 466
气力 100
河蟹 3
阅读权限 20
发表于 2015-4-12 21:31  资料  短消息  加为好友  QQ


PS: 打算写个番外 关于少爷和大小姐 主题就定为爱情吧 HR党轻拍

[ 本帖最后由 renaissance0721 于 2015-4-12 21:42 编辑 ]

Relena Yuy from Operation Zero


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